New's Outlets
Today’s day in age with social media the amount of news sources are endless. Everyone receives their information from different outlets they trust. As someone whole grew up wanting to work in the news field, the news was always on at my house. Throughout my childhood all throughout highschool my dream was to work for the Today show which is also the place where I received pretty much all my news. As I’ve grown older and have become more busy with less and less time to wake up at 7am and watch the Today show for 2 hours I now receive news from mainly social media. A lot of people especially college students spend most of their day on their phones scrolling through social media. Social media has become one of the biggest new sources for many. If I had to say the top five places I go to for news would be; Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Apple, and the Today show. As a college student who also has a passion for social media I spend a lot of time on different platforms. As o...