New's Outlets

Today’s day in age with social media the amount of news sources are endless. Everyone receives their information from different outlets they trust. As someone whole grew up wanting to work in the news field, the news was always on at my house. Throughout my childhood all throughout highschool my dream was to work for the Today show which is also the place where I received pretty much all my news. As I’ve grown older and have become more busy with less and less time to wake up at 7am and watch the Today show for 2 hours I now receive news from mainly social media. A lot of people especially college students spend most of their day on their phones scrolling through social media. Social media has become one of the biggest new sources for many. If I had to say the top five places I go to for news would be; Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Apple, and the Today show. 

As a college student who also has a passion for social media I spend a lot of time on different platforms. As of recently Twitter has become the place where I go to receive information and where I tend to learn new updates. Some people may find Twitter a weird place to go for their news but to me it’s an app that I am on a lot, it's convenient, and it’s always being updated. You also are able to see a live feed of what other people are saying / tweeting on the matter that is occurring. When you go on Twitter and look under the search bar the current trending news is clearly displayed for you and is always being updated. There are also different categories that you can choose from such as Trending, COVID-19, News, Sports, etc. I like how I can just pick up my phone and go on Twitter in the matter of seconds to receive any new breaking news updates.

Instagram, another social media platform is yet again another place I will receive news from. For the same reasons as Twitter, Instagram is convenient as you can login wherever you may be, it's a quick way to get the main point across and you also get to view live updates as well. Instagram is different from Twitter in the way that you have to follow news outlets to see the posts unlike twitter where they have an entire section on every single person's app. Although Twitter is my go-to I would choose Instagram over let’s say a Fox or CNN because I can access it on the go, it’s the main point of information and it’s quick. 

Next is Snapchat. I feel as though many people go to snapchat as a source to receive their news. Like Twitter, Snapchat has an entire section that you can subscribe to different pages such as CNN, Fox, CBS, etc. They are constantly updating their pages with news as it comes in that allows you to easily view and scroll through the pages of different stories right in the app. Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms right now and I believe putting this feature on the app was a great way for young teens & adults who use the app most, to be able to stay up with important news. 

Another source I mentioned was Apple News. This is an information outlet that I mainly use when there is breaking news, something huge such as the start of COVID-19. I do not have the Apple News notifications turned on so I do not get current updates but Apple will send out alerts when there is big breaking news. There have been times where I have been busy not checking my phone and I receive a notification from Apple alerting me, where I will then go on Twitter to learn more. Yet again, this is news at the palm of hand. 

Lastly, the Today show. While home from college I will still receive news from this television news network. My mom has the Today show on every morning so when I wake up I will receive my news from them while home. This is last on the list because as a college student I rarely ever home meaning most of my news that I learn does not come from them. Another reason I prefer social media for news is because if you were to sit down to watch the Today show let’s say an 45 minutes in, you could have missed important news in those 45 minutes you missed. Social media allows you to look at all the news at one by placing the stories into categories. Television news outlets are good for when you want to watch things live such as an attack, or want to go in depth to see people on the scene of events. 


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