Eight Values of Free Expression

     Out of all the eight values of free expression the one I believe to be most valuable is Individual self-fulfillment (aka self-actualization). This value states that an individual has a right to free speech allowing them to express themselves and therefore create their own identity. “Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.” 

    “Self-actualization” represents a concept created by Abraham Maslow. When looking more into this specific theory I came across psychologytoday.com where it went more in depth into this theory. While on this site I read that according to Maslow, this value of expression represents growth of an individual toward fulfillment of the highest needs for human life. 

    Under Maslows theory of individual self-fulfillment there is a 5 step hierarchy that allowed me to better understand this value simply. The hierarchy is as follows: 

  1. Physiological needs, such as needs for food, sleep and air.

  2. Safety, or the needs for security and protection, especially those that emerge from social or political instability.

  3. Belonging and love including, the needs of deficiency and selfish taking instead of giving, and unselfish love that is based upon growth rather than deficiency.

  4. Needs for self-esteem, self-respect, and healthy, positive feelings derived from admiration.

  5. “Being” needs concerning creative self-growth, engendered from fulfillment of potential and meaning in life.

    I believe this is the most important value because without this we would have no freedom in any form of our life. In order to live we need access to food and water and sleep for our own health and well being. Without safety and protection our communities would be full of crime and the rate of deaths would sky rocket because of violence. Without the sense of community, falling under loving and a sense of belonging would harm us in many ways than you may believe. Starting with the mental illness pandemic that is already bad enough in our country. Without being able to be self aware of our own emotions we would have no personality and would just go throughout our days with no proper social interaction. We wouldn’t know the difference between a feeling of good or bad. Last on the hierarchy is self growth which would not be possible without the freedoms we have that allows us to experience the first four steps in Maslow's theory.  

The Theory of Self-Actualization | Psychology Today





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