Instagram - Lens of Diffusion

 When the photo sharing platform Instagram was created in 2010 pioneers created a fun and interactive way for people to communicate and connect with others through sharing photos, allowing people to follow their friends and then comment and like photos. The app allows people to express themselves through the photos they take. Whether that be a selfie, a picture of their family, food they love, the list could go on. Instagram allows you to see how others express themselves through what kind of photos are posted to their feed. Early adopters started using this platform because it was another way besides the already popular Facebook and Twitter at the time to connect virtually through a social media app. Another reason is because people wanted to keep up with what was popular at the time and that was Instagram. People wanted a way to share what they were doing through pictures and this allowed them to do so through something as easy as posting a photo. A positive to this app is that it allows users to easily connect with each other and for brands it's a great way for effective brand promotion. The positives can go on, those are just two to name a few. 

Although Instagram became popular fast gaining 1 million users in under two months there were many late adopters. These people who were late to adopt are called laggers. These people are not familiar or like to be on social media platforms where a lot of their personal information is shared with the world some being people they do not know which is also a negative to the platform. There are many positives and negatives of the app but it seems as though the positives outweigh the bad. I say this because of the amount of users that still use instagram to this day although a lot of people talk about how the app can be toxic which is included in the downfalls of the app. Instagram is currently one of the most popular social media apps out there and the platform continues to progress everyday. 


-First created in 2010. Users on the platform had very limited ability, pretty much only being allowed to share their own picture content to their followers and commenting. No special features like the app has today, basic photo sharing app. 

Early Adopters

-A new update is made that allows users to edit their photos and apply filters to their photos. 


-Update made in 2017 allowing people to add stories to their feed, post videos, post multiple photos at a time and much more.

Late Adopters

-People who did not understand the app or use social media.


-People who refuse to be on any social media platform. 

Chart: Instagram's Rise to 1 Billion | Statista


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