
Showing posts from December, 2020

Social Media

   “For my generation, being anonymous is no longer an option. For many of us, the decisions about our online presence are made before we can even speak” states Sonia Bokhari. If I am being honest, I spend A LOT of time online and using social media. Growing up I am super thankful for the childhood I had. All the way up until I would say my freshman year of high school, I spent my free time outside playing with neighbors or involved in some kind of activity disconnected from the internet. I did not get a smartphone until my sophomore year of high school and although at the time I complained, I am so happy my parents waited until they did. In the article, “I’m 14, and I Quit Social Media,” I could relate to what she talked about in the beginning of her piece about the age she was even allowed to go on social media, which was much earlier than I ever was allowed. Not only was it late for kids in grade who received a smartphone, I also was not allowed on Facebook until Junior yea...

EOTO - Propaganda

     Our EOTO presentations are something that I really enjoy doing as they give us an opportunity to work together with our classmates but also research something that interests us and teach what we found to the class. I have learned so many new interesting things that I did not know before through these presentations! Today, I'm going to talk about what Julianna Raymond researched for her second EOTO which was propaganda.       Propaganda is a term that almost everyone is familiar with or at least has heard. Throughout middle school into high school and now college, in many different classes I have learned the role propaganda has played in society. The last remembrance I have learned about it was during my freshman year here at HPU, taking my first year seminar which has the word right in it, Paparazzi and Propaganda. We learned so much about what propaganda is and the role it had throughout history seen through images.       In J...