EOTO - Propaganda

    Our EOTO presentations are something that I really enjoy doing as they give us an opportunity to work together with our classmates but also research something that interests us and teach what we found to the class. I have learned so many new interesting things that I did not know before through these presentations! Today, I'm going to talk about what Julianna Raymond researched for her second EOTO which was propaganda. 

    Propaganda is a term that almost everyone is familiar with or at least has heard. Throughout middle school into high school and now college, in many different classes I have learned the role propaganda has played in society. The last remembrance I have learned about it was during my freshman year here at HPU, taking my first year seminar which has the word right in it, Paparazzi and Propaganda. We learned so much about what propaganda is and the role it had throughout history seen through images. 

    In Julianna’s presentation she defines propaganda as, “the systematic effort to manipulate other people’s beliefs, attitudes, or actions by using symbols such as words, gestures, banners, etc.” Propaganda basically as she mentions is an exaggeration intended to deceive people into thinking one thing is right and another is wrong. As I mentioned earlier, in my first year seminar, Paparazzi and Propaganda, the class surrounded this term. We saw the ways it was used throughout history and how it has declined as the centuries have gone on. Julianna talked about how it is not as powerful today as it used to be which I agree with. She states, “In today’s society most people have access to all the information they would need and they are able to look right through the deception.” I think she stated that perfectly and is really the truth behind why it’s not as popular anymore. 

    When talking about how it affects society as a whole she mentioned the use of propaganda during wartime. Leaflets were a big topic of discussion in my first year seminar class so I found her research to be really interesting as it brought up so much knowledge that I forgot about! Propaganda is something that is so intriguing to me and was something I LOVED learning about and there is still so much more to know. I feel like if you ever have the chance to learn the history behind propaganda and the different ways it was used you will also find it to be super interesting and important to our history. 

Music as Propaganda · Music As Propaganda in World War 1 · Digital History  511: Theory & Practice



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