
Showing posts from September, 2020

Eight Values of Free Expression

      Out of all the eight values of free expression the one I believe to be most valuable is Individual self-fulfillment (aka self-actualization). This value states that an individual has a right to free speech allowing them to express themselves and therefore create their own identity. “Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.”       “Self-actualization” represents a concept created by Abraham Maslow. When looking more into this specific theory I came across where it went more in depth into this theory. While on this site I read that according to Maslow, this value of expression represents growth of an individual toward fulfillment of the highest needs for human life.       Under Maslows theory of individual self-fulfillment there is a 5 step hierarchy that allowed me to better understand this value simply. The hierarchy is as follows:  Physiological needs,...

Antiwar in the Media

     There has probably been at least one time that you have questioned yourself after hearing news wondering, “how in the world is this not making mainstream media why aren’t more people talking about this?” I know I have. 2020 has been quite a year and one that has come with a lot of social changes surrounding the systematic racism that has gone on in this country and continues to happen. The countless number of protests, marches and riots that have happened because of this is something that we all have seen on the front page of papers, magazines and the headline on all news tv. It is normal for us to turn on the news or open the paper to see this being reported on but why do we never see any coverage covering antiwar voices and writings?  I am not one to join in on any conversation surrounding politics as I like to keep my beliefs to myself. I believe the lack of coverage surrounding antiwar voices has to deal with the government and bias. The media is biased towa...

Freedom of the Press & The Black Lives Matter Protests

  Under the first amendment we have 6 freedoms, one being freedom of the press. Freedom of the press amplifies the right to assemble. Ignited by George Floyd's police murder on May 26, the demonstrations of the Black Lives Matter 2020 sparked discussions about systematic racism and police violence in newspaper pages, schools and in homes. They also marked a turbulent moment in the U.S. for freedom of the press, as journalists around the world were faced with relentless assault and detention. During recent protests in Washington there was video footage of police in riot gear striking news crews as officers were attempting to clear the media and protests from an area near the White House. The video, captured on June 1, was of a scene replicated during Black Lives Matter protests in cities across the United States. There have been countless incidents of journalists being tear gassed, hit with rubber bullets and detained even after proving they were press by showing credentials to...

United States Supreme Court

     The United States Supreme Court is the country's highest federal court and the head of the government's judicial branch. Created by the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court has sole authority over all laws in the United States and is responsible for determining their constitutionality.      The Justices of the Supreme Court are nominated by the United States President however it is the Senate’s responsibility to vote on the appointment of the new judge and needs the majority vote to officially swear in the judge. The chief justice also presides over impeachment hearings against the U.S. President. Chief Justice John Jay and Associate Justices John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Wilson made up the First Supreme Court. In the early years of the Supreme Court John Marshall was the Chief Justice and during that time helped move the Supreme Court towards the prestigious institution it is today.      It is di...