Antiwar in the Media

    There has probably been at least one time that you have questioned yourself after hearing news wondering, “how in the world is this not making mainstream media why aren’t more people talking about this?” I know I have. 2020 has been quite a year and one that has come with a lot of social changes surrounding the systematic racism that has gone on in this country and continues to happen. The countless number of protests, marches and riots that have happened because of this is something that we all have seen on the front page of papers, magazines and the headline on all news tv. It is normal for us to turn on the news or open the paper to see this being reported on but why do we never see any coverage covering antiwar voices and writings? 

I am not one to join in on any conversation surrounding politics as I like to keep my beliefs to myself. I believe the lack of coverage surrounding antiwar voices has to deal with the government and bias. The media is biased towards the status quo. When looking through both as well as I also research some more myself. I came across the website, The name of the article is called: It’s time to change the way the media reports on protests. Here are some ideas. One sentence that stood out to me and I felt could relate back to this states, “It’s a bias that creeps in, for example, when we use passive voice to describe how people in positions of authority, such as police officers, are behaving but use active voice to describe protestors’ behaviors.” 

Another reasoning could be because people in today’s society tend to not speak on things that do not directly affect them. Bringing it back to the BLM movement some people decided to stay quiet during this because it did not affect them directly instead of helping in the fight for equality. This could be the same for the antiwar movement which leads to its place in the news. Many Americans don't see the impact of war or military force because it often doesn't directly affect us. Many of us don't know innocent people who have died due to wars, other than people who have joined the military. For us in America, that is just not a fact, and because of that, many Americans embrace war and military power for what it is and do not challenge authority about decisions about it.


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