ECTO - Instagram

     For my group each one teach one my focus was on the social media platform Instagram. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreiger who both graduated from Stanford University. Kevin Systrom was the first man behind this app. Symptom had no formal computer science training when he decided to first develop an app. He learned how to code during his nights and his weeks were spent working at Nextstop. Systrom ended up building a prototype app called Nurbn, which would soon turn into Instagram. During a party one night in California, Systrom met two venture capitalists who learned about his vision and helped him raise $500,000. This allowed him to start building his team for his new entrepreneurial venture. This is where Mike Kreiger comes into play. Mike knew Kevin from both being students at Stanford, he was the first to join Systroms team. After reinventing and redesigning the Burbn they decided to take a step back by stripping Burbn down to just photo, commenting and liking features. This was when they combined the words instant and telegram to make the name Instagram the new name of the app as we know it today.

    The Instagram app was launched on Oct. 6, 2010, and racked up 25,000 users in one day. At the end of the first week, Instagram had been downloaded 100,000 times, and by mid-December, the number of users had reached one million. By March 2012, the app’s user base had grown to approximately 27 million users. In 2012 Facebook acquired Instagram for $1 billion dollars in cash and stock. 

    While Instagram has a number of features, the app's interface usually enables people who have built a free account to upload photos and videos to the web. Users can then use filters to edit the media they upload and organize them with location data and hashtags. Users can make their profiles public or private; the difference is that any other Instagram user can access a user's photos / videos with a public profile, while users can authorize who they want to be able to see their posts with a private profile. By clicking buttons that allow them to "like" a post or add a text comment to a post, the app also allows you to browse through an aggregate of trending content and connect with images and videos of other users. Since Instagram was first launched, the service has added: Videos, instagram live, stories, igtv, and  more!

    The Instagram universe is nothing less than the Showbiz universe, a place where everything is glamorous and glittery and everyone is glamorous. But is Instagram actually the wonderful place it portrays itself to be? There are some serious flaws under all the glamour. Yet, Instagram can't be said to be bad, by any distance. Below is a list of 3 positives and 3 negatives Instagram has not only the app itself but its effects. 


  1. A more visual medium 

    1. Instagram is all about sharing your photos. There really isn't anything you can't share on your feed! 

  2. Effective promotion 

    1. As a successful marketing technique, Instagram works. In order to showcase their products, existing brands reserve their Instagram pages, while new startups find it easier to build an audience here through photos.

  3. More appealing interface 

    1. You would expect it to be slow and messy with so much visual content. Instagram, contrary to that, is very clean and structured. There is no explosion of information that you can barely process, unlike Facebook. The platform also helps you to arrange your profile in a very useful way, so that it has a nice draw to it.


  1. Creates the need for a fake life 

    1. So many people tend to create a fake life, which they share on Instagram to get famous. This need for validation and fame is highly toxic, and teenagers are the ones most affected by it.

  2. Addictive

    1. Like most social media platforms, Instagram suffers from toxic addiction. A huge number of people spend their days glued to the app. Even those who do not seek validation by uploading pictures spend their entire day viewing photos of others.

  3. Overwhelming advertisements 

    1. Instagram has become a place where you are bombarded with too many advertisements or sponsored posts. This causes you to sometimes not see your friends posts.

      Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreiger


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