Permanence of the Digital Age

    As Professor Smith states on his blog, technology is wonderful, until it turns against us. In today’s age technology has completely taken over our lives and it seems as though the negatives have started to outweigh the positives. Kids at such a young age are being handed a phone and instead of going outside to play with their friends forming face to face friendships and social skills their eyes are glued to a screen for hours each day stuck inside. The dangers they are being exposed to are endless and people do not realize how permanent the effects really are. 

    Jaun Enriquez talks about just how permanent what we post and our online presence have. We compare what we post online to tattoos, they are permanent and will be there forever. Jaun goes on to question, what if everything we posted on the internet was placed on us like a tattoo and represented everything we were? When he asked that question I knew it made me pause and think, and I bet a lot of people would do the same thing. 

    Jaun compares his statement about the permanence of the information you post online with greek gods and goddesses. His four ending statements were, be careful what you post, don’t look too far into the past of those you love, remember the purpose and lastly narcissism. 

    People tend to behave differently online than they do in person and this is because their audience is invisible, so many feel as though they are protected by their screen. Posting online is instant, public and more often than not, permanent. Once you post, you lose  control of what happens to it. With all of the content we are exposed to each and everyday, the endless noise, it's easy to forget that, for the near future, everything posted online can and will be found. Your job, your relationships, and whoever you decide to be can be ruined just with the click of a button.  The digital world is the real world with real consequences, so make sure you always ask yourself the following before you hit send. 

Socially Conscious Social Networking - ppt download


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