
Social Media

   “For my generation, being anonymous is no longer an option. For many of us, the decisions about our online presence are made before we can even speak” states Sonia Bokhari. If I am being honest, I spend A LOT of time online and using social media. Growing up I am super thankful for the childhood I had. All the way up until I would say my freshman year of high school, I spent my free time outside playing with neighbors or involved in some kind of activity disconnected from the internet. I did not get a smartphone until my sophomore year of high school and although at the time I complained, I am so happy my parents waited until they did. In the article, “I’m 14, and I Quit Social Media,” I could relate to what she talked about in the beginning of her piece about the age she was even allowed to go on social media, which was much earlier than I ever was allowed. Not only was it late for kids in grade who received a smartphone, I also was not allowed on Facebook until Junior year of High

EOTO - Propaganda

     Our EOTO presentations are something that I really enjoy doing as they give us an opportunity to work together with our classmates but also research something that interests us and teach what we found to the class. I have learned so many new interesting things that I did not know before through these presentations! Today, I'm going to talk about what Julianna Raymond researched for her second EOTO which was propaganda.       Propaganda is a term that almost everyone is familiar with or at least has heard. Throughout middle school into high school and now college, in many different classes I have learned the role propaganda has played in society. The last remembrance I have learned about it was during my freshman year here at HPU, taking my first year seminar which has the word right in it, Paparazzi and Propaganda. We learned so much about what propaganda is and the role it had throughout history seen through images.       In Julianna’s presentation she defines propaganda as,

Reliable Sources

  What are reliable sources? A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. based on strong evidence. There are many types of reliable sources and you may be able to think of one right now that is similar to you that you always go back to that you trust. Some examples of reliable sources are Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or book, Trade or professional articles or books, Magazine articles, books and newspaper articles from well-established newspapers, and Websites and blogs.      Although they are all examples of reliable sources they have their differences. To start off, Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or books are written by researchers for students and researchers. They contain original research as well as an extensive bibliography. Trade or professional articles or books are written by practitioners in a field to impart practice-oriented information. With this content you have to be aware of sources on the internet that loo

Permanence of the Digital Age

     As Professor Smith states on his blog, technology is wonderful, until it turns against us. In today’s age technology has completely taken over our lives and it seems as though the negatives have started to outweigh the positives. Kids at such a young age are being handed a phone and instead of going outside to play with their friends forming face to face friendships and social skills their eyes are glued to a screen for hours each day stuck inside. The dangers they are being exposed to are endless and people do not realize how permanent the effects really are.       Jaun Enriquez talks about just how permanent what we post and our online presence have. We compare what we post online to tattoos, they are permanent and will be there forever. Jaun goes on to question, what if everything we posted on the internet was placed on us like a tattoo and represented everything we were? When he asked that question I knew it made me pause and think, and I bet a lot of people would do the same

Instagram - Lens of Diffusion

  When the photo sharing platform Instagram was created in 2010 pioneers created a fun and interactive way for people to communicate and connect with others through sharing photos, allowing people to follow their friends and then comment and like photos. The app allows people to express themselves through the photos they take. Whether that be a selfie, a picture of their family, food they love, the list could go on. Instagram allows you to see how others express themselves through what kind of photos are posted to their feed. Early adopters started using this platform because it was another way besides the already popular Facebook and Twitter at the time to connect virtually through a social media app. Another reason is because people wanted to keep up with what was popular at the time and that was Instagram. People wanted a way to share what they were doing through pictures and this allowed them to do so through something as easy as posting a photo. A positive to this app is that it a

EOTO - SMS Messaging

       The EOTO presentations were very interesting as we were able to learn so much history about products that we use in our everyday lives. Each group and each presenter was able to teach me at least one thing I did not know about a device/product. One form of media I want to talk about today is about SMS or text messaging.       Every day you see humans holding their cell phones with them everywhere they go. A lot of us can’t leave the house without it in hand. So when SMS messaging became a thing in 1992 people went crazy. I had no clue how this messaging was developed as Julia went on to present that the SMS concept was first developed (1984) and the first text message was sent on   December 3rd, 1992 from Neil Papworth who was a former developer at Sema Group Telecoms. Mobile phones did not have keyboards at the time, so Papworth had to type the message of a PC.       When Julia went on to present the pros and cons of SMS messaging one thing that stood out to me were the cons. H

ECTO - Instagram

       For my group each one teach one my focus was on the social media platform Instagram. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreiger who both graduated from Stanford University. Kevin Systrom was the first man behind this app. Symptom had no formal computer science training when he decided to first develop an app. He learned how to code during his nights and his weeks were spent working at Nextstop. Systrom ended up building a prototype app called Nurbn, which would soon turn into Instagram. During a party one night in California, Systrom met two venture capitalists who learned about his vision and helped him raise $500,000. This allowed him to start building his team for his new entrepreneurial venture. This is where Mike Kreiger comes into play. Mike knew Kevin from both being students at Stanford, he was the first to join Systroms team. After reinventing and redesigning the Burbn they decided to take a step back by stripping Burbn down to just photo, commenting and li